Look at the time
Seems as though by now we'd know just who won the race
Daily news grind
Talking heads with names I can't keep matched with the face
Seems we should know who'll stay, who'll go
I wanted you to know... I'm waiting
Day after day
I learn words with meanings that I'd not heard before
Ongoing fray
Recount after recount, Bush is still leading Gore
Seems we should see past this melee
I wanted you to know... still waiting
In the courtroom, lower the boom
I begin to worry
Faces agloom, this is our doom
Unending news story
(swinging, dangling, falling, hanging by a chad)
(appealing, suing, losing, ruing what we've had)
Look at these days
Dragging by so slowly as the charges resound
Long as we gaze
It's hard to guess whose side on which the court will come down
Recounting zeal; high court appeal
I wanted you to know... still waiting